Samstag, 13. August 2011

Summer Christmas!

Today I recieved my "Wichtelpaket" from Nekobento. My Secret Santa was Pasa (who was in turn after me with the J-Stuff Swap  *g*).

 The tension is rising...

What was in?

- 2 rice bowls (GREEN and red)
- Almond Pocky
- Chocolate cookies
- Anko mochi
- Honey (for good health:))
- Organic Chocolate
- Charcoal
- Pencils
- Maneki Neko cell phone straps
- Makurokurosuke (self made, yeah!)
- lots of candy (ginger, mango, daifuku)
- heart shaped food picks
- geisha postcard (loooove!)


@ Pasa: Vielen lieben Dank! Du hast meinen Geschmack echt gut getroffen. und dann sooo viel, ich dachte es nimmt kein Ende beim Auspacken...viele tolle Kleinigkeiten mit Liebe  zusammen gestellt, das hat man echt gemerkt. Du hast meinen Samsatg gerettet (hab heute Nachtdienst >_<; ). Jetzt kann nix mehr schief gehen und die Gesundheit ist auch gerettet (sehr aufmerksam von dir!). 'happyhappydesu*


Herzlichen Dank auch an Ekolabine und Satsuki die die ganze Aktion so toll gemanaged haben!

Special thanks to Ekolabine and Satsuki who were so nice to make this round of Secret Santa game possible!

Cupcake Friday: Working with Leftovers

It´s Friday* again and BF gets some sweets for his short work day (because lunch is skipped at his office). I had some leftover mini apricots I bought for the bento stock that weren´t looking so nice anymore. Two weeks ago, I bought this book and found the right recipe in it for my problem: "Peach-cream-cupcakes".

*Actually it´s Cupcakerday now...forgot to upload it yesterday...

 I also had the peach-passionfruit-curd in the fridge for the frosting with the best before date nearly expired...this kind of curd is great because it comes with chocolate chips in the lid that you can stir in before eating: Perfect for cupcake decoration! I used two cups of them to get 200g curd (and eated what was left...) and the choco chips for the topping. I also blended in some fresh apricots with the Thermomix to get a nicer color.

Dienstag, 9. August 2011

If summer won´t come...

..and there is no need for a bikini shape, you should make cupcakes!

Freitag, 5. August 2011


Present for my J-stuff swap victim (Kätzchen) on Nekobento!

I deceided to trade the box, even if it outdraws the price limit because i never used it. It bought it on J-list because i thought i needed a cute box when i started bentoing. But actually i prefer my classy boxes and i don´t like the edges of the box which made it hard to pack. So maybe someone else is happy about having it instead even if it isn´t new (actually i have never eaten out of it because i aborted the first try packing ist and used another box instead because of the mentioned edges...). I´m glad to have the chance to make a kitty-lover happy;)

Montag, 1. August 2011


Auf Nekobento wandern wieder die Pakete. Pasa und Marichan haben die Pakete am 15. Juni mit jeweils acht Dingen oder kleinen Päckchen im Wert von je 2-4€ gestartet. Über 10 Stationen pro Gruppe geht es jetzt wieder zurück zu den Startern.

Meine Katze fands auch spannend:

So, nun war es bei mir und ist jetzt auf dem Weg zu Pasa die das erste Paket gestartet hat. Ein großes Lob und "Danke" dafür an dieser Stelle. Hab dir noch was "privates" reingelegt zum Umzug und für meine Extrawurst  (Jaja, ich weiß Regelverstoß *selbstauffingerhau*), hoffe du freust dich!