Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010

Santa´s Little Helper-Game:Summer Edition™

These days we have another little gear swap game on Nekobento.

Due to my summer vacation is scheduled next week I was able to send and recieve mine some days sooner then most of the paticipants.

(It´s strange, I think my blog transformed from a bentoblog to a pakageblog ;))

So here it is:


A japanese reciepe book
Geisha chopsticks
Green Tea noodles
Sakura Pocky
Some japanese candies
Panda chocolate cookies
Peach chewing gum
Some tiny little floral bowls

Thanks sooooo much. I´m so happy now. I even stopped playing StarCraft for opening and taking pictures of it. BF and I nomed the sweets away while playing another round ;)

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